Turnip Boy Robs a Bank Achievement Guide

Carrot boy robs bank

Carrot Boy is back! This time, he joins forces with the Pickle Gang to pull off the strangest robbery of Plant Bank ever. The game was released on January 18, 2024 and was developed by Snoozy Kazoo and received positive reviews from 308 players. Published by Graffiti Games, this is a wild ride as Carrot Boy takes hostages, steals valuables, fights criminals, and breaks into bank vaults using wacky tools from the dark web. It’s a fun and wacky adventure that players will love. Get ready for a unique gaming experience with Carrot Boy in this hilarious and unusual bank robbery adventure!

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Carrot Boy Bank Robbery Achievement Guide

Achievement name


break in

Break into the plant bank


Buy items from the dark web

Wow! gun!

Use weapon rack

For science!

research weapons

Better, faster, stronger

buy robot

buy yourself something nice

Steal $1,000

wallowing in it

Steal $10,000

hide your wealth

Steal $100,000

Please don’t ask me again…

Steal $1,000,000

Fall down the rabbit hole

Defeat Yeho

sour apple

Defeat the rotten candy apple

Thiccc and snatch

Defeat Mecha Chad

Killed another human…?

Defeat Uncle Rigsby

Big prize! ! !

Searching for the mysterious mother lode

Found dad’s old stuff

Looking for daddy’s things

Goodbye Space Carrot…

steal plant bank

But at what cost…

Defeat the final boss

photography student

Take all photos

high fashion

get all hats


Buy all robots

five star customer

Buy everything from the dark web

five heads

Weapon research reaches maximum level


Complete all tasks

Carrot Boy Bank Robbery Gameplay

In Carrot Boy Bank Robbery, the gameplay unfolds in a comedy-action-adventure setting, with added roguelite elements. Players guide Carrot Boy as he teams up with the Pickle Gang to plan an unconventional heist at Plant Bank. The goal is to extort hostages, steal valuables and learn the interesting history of the bank.


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In order to successfully complete this felony mission, players must obtain a variety of special tools from the dark web, from diamond pickaxes to C4 and even cardboard boxes. However, robbing a bank is no piece of cake and players can expect intense shootouts with security guards, police squads and elite SWAT teams.

The game offers a thrilling single-player adventure with roguelite elements to make the action even more fun. Players can explore and loot vast banks, wield an array of wacky weapons, and engage in gunfights with a variety of opponents. With quirky food characters, collectible hats and an immersive storyline, Carrot Boy Bank Robbery promises a fun and unique gaming experience.

Carrot Boy Robbery Bank System Requirements

Here are the system requirements for “Carrot Boy Robbery”:

at the lowest limit:

  • Operating system: Windows 8.1/10
  • Processor: Intel i3 4130T (2.9 GHz) / AMD Ryzen 3 2200G (3.5 GHz)
  • Memory: 4GB RAM
  • Graphics card: Intel HD Graphics 4400 (shared)/AMD Vega 8 Graphics (shared)
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 2 GB available space

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  • Operating system: Windows 10/11
  • Processor: Intel i3 8100 (3.6 GHz) / AMD Ryzen 3 2200G (3.5 GHz)
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 (2 GB) / AMD R7 260X (2 GB)
  • DirectX: Version 12
  • Storage: 2 GB available space

Carrot boy robs bank trailer

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