Disgaea 7 Evilities, How to Use Evilities in Disgaea 7? How to Upgrade Evilities in Disgaea 7?

Disgaea 7 Wiki

Disgaea is back with “Disgaea 7: The Vow of the Immoral”! In this exciting work, you will follow Fuji’s adventures on a challenging journey to redemption. The game introduces new and unique features that add a fresh twist to the beloved Disgaea series.

Disgaea 7 received mostly positive reviews and was released on October 3, 2023 by Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. and NIS America, Inc., promising Disgaea 7 for fans of action, adventure, role-playing, and strategy. An engrossing and thrilling gaming experience franchise.

Disgaea 7 Evil

In Disgaea 7: Vow of the Immoral, evil is a special ability or skill that your character can learn and use to gain various advantages in combat. These evils can significantly affect a character’s performance and tactics. Different types of evil can provide different benefits, such as increasing experience points (EXP) gained, increasing the amount of in-game currency (HL) gained, increasing skill proficiency, and even providing immunity to status ailments such as poison or sleep.

Each character in the game has their own unique evil, and as you progress through the game, you can purchase additional evils from the store. By carefully selecting and equipping evil, you can customize your character to suit your preferred play style and make them more powerful in battle. Therefore, understanding and exploiting evil effectively is a key strategy in Disgaea 7.

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How to use evil in Disgaea 7?

Using evil in Disgaea 7: Vow of the Immoral is a key part of customizing your character and enhancing their abilities. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use evil:

  • Unlocking the Skill Shop: Early in Chapter 2 of the game, you will unlock the Skill Shop. You can find it in the lower left corner of the grocery store. This shop allows you to enhance your character’s skills and gain evil.
  • Learn evil:

    • Visit the Skill Shop and select the “Learn Evil” option from the menu.
    • Choose which character you want to direct to achieve evil.
    • Characters earn mana independently, which can be spent on acquiring evil unless you donate some at the juice bar.
    • Carefully consider your character’s role in combat and choose evil that complements their abilities. You can focus on items that increase level gain or other statistics depending on your preference.
  • Purchase offer:

    • Evil has a fixed cost, separate from mana.
    • Once you learn Evil, you’ll need to equip it from the character menu.
    • You can equip evil based on the points you have available. For example, if you have 6 points, you can assign 6 evils, each requiring 1 point.
    • Certain evils may cost more points, so you can equip fewer evils at once. As your character levels up, you’ll gain additional slots.
  • Special scroll:

    • Sometimes, you may receive a secret scroll as a reward for completing a mission. These reels provide special effects.
    • For example, the “Mana Maniac” scroll adds 100% mana buff to the character equipped with it.
    • You can equip these scrolls to gain additional benefits without purchasing the corresponding evil from the Skill Shop.
  • Transform evil:

    • If you no longer need or want evil, you can convert them into mana.
    • This option is more effective against evil that you get from the skill shop.
    • Note that more powerful evils obtained from scrolls cannot be converted.
    • Before allocating scrolls or converting evil, make sure you’re happy with your choice, as some decisions are irreversible.

By following these steps, you can effectively use evil to customize and enhance your characters in Disgaea 7, enhancing their performance in combat and tailoring their abilities to your preferred playstyle.

How to upgrade evil in “Disgaea 7”?

To level up evil in Disgaea 7: Vow of Virtue, you can follow these steps:

  1. Unlock the Skill Shop:

As you progress through the game, you’ll eventually unlock a shop that sells skills, including Evil. Continue playing the game’s story and missions until you enter this store.

  1. Character’s unique evil:

Every character in the game, whether a regular RPG class or a protagonist like Pirilika, has a unique evil stipulation. For example, Pirilica has “Happy Aura Evil,” which increases the chance of nearby teammates joining in a combo attack. These unique evils are inherent to the character and cannot be changed.

  1. Select and purchase an event:

Once you have access to the Skill Shop, you can select and purchase evil for your character. There are different types of evil to choose from, each bringing specific benefits to your character. Here are some important things to look out for: Lover of Learning: This evil increases the experience points (EXP) your character gains by 10%. It’s useful for leveling up your character faster. HL Lover: HL is the in-game currency, this evil will increase your money output by 50%. It helps you accumulate HL faster. Basic principle: This evil increases the gain of skill experience points by 10% when using skills in combat. Helps improve character skills. d. Mana Lover: Similar to HL Lover, this evil increases mana output by 50%. Mana is used for skill upgrades and other important actions in the game. Stat Buffs: There are various evils, such as “Tough Guys”, that enhance random stats, increasing the abilities your character gains as they level up. For example, “Tough Guy” provides a 10% health boost when leveled up. Vaccines: Defensive evils like “vaccines” can provide immunity or resistance to status ailments, making your character more resilient in combat. Weapon Tutor: These evils can increase a character’s proficiency with a specific weapon type. For example, “Sword Tutor” can improve the character’s sword skill level. You can purchase these to specialize or diversify your character’s weapon skills.

  1. Equip evil:

After purchasing the Evil, go into the character management menu and equip it to your character. Each character can equip a certain number of evils, so choose the one that best complements their abilities and play style.

  1. Manage your resources:

Pay attention to the resources required to purchase evil, such as mana and HL. You gain these resources through the game, so manage them wisely to unlock and equip your character with the most beneficial evil.

By upgrading and equipping evil, you can enhance your character’s abilities and customize their strengths to suit your preferred play style in Disgaea 7: Vow of Virtue.

Disgaea 7 trailer

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