Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Reset Attributes, How to Reset Attributes in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty?

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is a 2020 video game created by CD Projekt Red and published by CD Projekt. It is based on the game series created by Mike Pondsmith. The game takes place in a dark future world where you become “V”, a hired gun in a city known as “Night City”.

After a heist goes wrong, you discover that you are in possession of a special biochip that contains the consciousness of rock star and rebel Johnny Silverhand. This chip threatens to take over your mind, and as the story unfolds, you and Johnny must work together to save your life.

The development of the game started after CD Projekt successfully launched the game “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and Wine” in 2016. A large team of 500 people used the REDengine 4 game engine to create the game. They are also partnering with other companies to help with the project.

Cyberpunk founder Mike Pondsmith and famous actor Keanu Reeves play important roles. The game has great music and licensed songs. It was released in December 2020 on some platforms and in 2022 on others.

Critics liked the game’s story, world, and graphics, but some disliked the gameplay. The game has had trouble showing transgender characters and has a number of bugs, especially on consoles. Sony even removed it from the PlayStation Store for a while. CD Projekt also faces the problem of how to talk about these issues.

Ultimately, they had to pay a large settlement. Despite these issues, the game sold a large number of copies. It has an extension called “Phantom Free” that works very well. The entire game was expensive to produce, making it one of the most expensive games ever made. They are working on a sequel called Project Orion.

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“Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Freedom” reset attributes

In Cyberpunk 2077, once a character’s attributes are assigned, there is no direct way to reset them. If you want to try different attribute combinations, you usually need to start a new game with a new character and level up from scratch.

However, there is a workaround, which is to keep 17 unused attribute points. Since you initially have at least 3 points in each attribute tree, and the maximum level for each attribute is 20, having these extra points allows you to fully max out any attribute class and test various combinations.

You can do this by creating a manual save, assigning your points, and then reloading the save. This process effectively refunds your attribute points, giving you the flexibility to reallocate them as needed, but at the cost of losing any progress made in the game since the manual save. This is the closest thing to resetting attributes in “Cyberpunk 2077”.


How to reset Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom free attributes?

Two ways to reset attributes in “Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Freedom”:

Default method when installing 2.0 updates:

  • Access the character menu after updating.

  • Press the Continue button.

  • The character’s specifications will be automatically reset.

Repeat the reset process:

This reset process is a one-time option for each saved game. Be careful not to waste it, as improper role reassignment can negatively impact the gameplay experience and your play style.

“Cyberpunk 2077” gameplay

In the action role-playing game Cyberpunk 2077, you play as V, a mercenary whose appearance, skills and background can be customized. Your character’s abilities are affected by three classes: NetRunner for hacking, Techie for mechanics, and Solo for combat. To enhance V’s capabilities, you can obtain network software implants from “ripperdocs” and find powerful devices on the black market.

The game offers a variety of weapons and damage types, and you can choose non-lethal options. Night City’s vast open world is made up of different areas, each with their own unique characteristics. V These areas can be explored on foot or in a variety of vehicles, and the city is filled with NPCs affected by the day-night cycle and dynamic weather.

The game features branching conversations, quests, and companions, and your choices will determine the outcome of the story. “Cyberpunk 2077” also includes mini-games such as hacking and racing, bringing a diverse immersive experience.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Free Plot

After wrapping up the deal with the Voodoo Boys in Pacifica, V received a call from Songbird, NUSA President Rosalind Miles’ assistant. She explains that their transport, Space Force One, has been hacked and is about to crash into Night City’s dangerous Dogtown.

Songbird asks V to help rescue President Miles, and in return, V will provide help to prevent the relic from harming V’s brain. However, she warns V that Kurt Hansen, the ruthless ruler of Dogtown, may try to capture Miles. V successfully rescues Miles from the crash, but loses contact with Songbird along the way.

Concerned about their mysterious disappearance, Johnny warns V that Songbird and Miles may be hiding secrets. The next day, Songbird is still missing, and Miles asks V to contact NUSA agent Solomon Reed, who is stationed in Dogtown. Reed agreed to help, but revealed that he was abandoned by NUSA in Night City after surviving an assassination attempt on Arasaka.

They team up with another agent, Alex, and a new runner named Slider to track the songbird’s location. They discovered she had breached the Black Wall, a forbidden act. Reed wants to rescue Songbird, and they infiltrate Hansen’s headquarters. Songbird reveals that her mind has been corrupted by the Black Wall, and that the Neural Matrix can heal her and V.

However, V is faced with a difficult choice: help Songbird, or betray her with the icebreaker Reed provides. Betraying Songbird can lead to tragic consequences, but helping her leads to critical decisions about her fate, Reed’s survival, and a unique ending that completely impacts V’s life.

Cyberpunk Trailer

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