Baldur’s Gate 3 Halsin Location, How to Get The Druid Halsin to Join Your Party in Baldur’s Gate 3?

“Baldur’s Gate 3” gameplay

Baldur’s Gate III is an immersive role-playing video game that offers a rich gaming experience through single-player and cooperative multiplayer modes. In this game, players have the opportunity to create one or more characters, form a diverse team of computer-generated characters, and embark on an epic journey to explore the game’s compelling story.

One of the exciting features of Baldur’s Gate III is that players can choose to team up with others online and build a team together. This cooperative multiplayer element allows players to choose their own character and collaborate with other online players, enhancing the social aspect of the game and fostering a sense of camaraderie.

Unlike its predecessor, Baldur’s Gate III introduces a turn-based combat system inspired by Larian’s earlier games, such as Divinity: Original Sin and Divinity: Original Sin II. This time around, however, the combat system is crafted from the acclaimed Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition rules, adding depth and strategic complexity to combat.

The game’s combination of compelling storytelling, character creation, cooperative gameplay, and turn-based combat makes Baldur’s Gate III a compelling and immersive experience for fans and newcomers to the series. Players can look forward to an enchanting adventure filled with choices, challenges, and opportunities to shape the fate of their characters and the game world.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Harsin location

In Baldur’s Gate 3, Halsin’s location is in a goblin camp, where he is trapped in his bear shapeshifting form. As the first druid of the Jade Forest, Halsin was crucial to resolving the conflict between the druids and tieflings in the region. He is captured by goblins during one of his expeditions, and your mission is to rescue him.

To find Halsin in the Goblin Camp, follow these detailed steps:

  • From the Jade Forest: If you are currently in the Jade Forest, first head west to the Goblin Camp. The camp is located on the opposite side of the woods on the map.
  • Reaching the Blight Village: As you head west from the waypoint around the Emerald Forest, you’ll eventually reach the Blight Village, which is filled with goblins. The settlement, identifiable by its red-roofed buildings, is located northwest of the roadside cliff approach point. The goblin camp is further away from the Blight Village.
  • Dealing with Blighted Villages: To navigate Blighted Villages, you have several options. You can sneak past the goblins, try to talk your way out of the fight, or choose to engage in combat. Using persuasion may help you pass dialogue checks, but your approach may vary based on your preference.
  • Reaching the Goblin Camp: After passing the Blight Village, continue heading west until you reach the beginning of the Goblin Camp. Continue north to the main part of the camp and the Goblin Camp waypoint.
  • Entering the Broken Sanctuary: From the Goblin Camp waypoint, move southwest until you encounter a courtyard where the goblins are roasting animals and conversing. Continue north to find a giant ogre standing next to a set of gates. Enter the Broken Temple through the door. You may need to pass a dialogue check with the guard goblin to proceed.
  • Finding Harzin: Within the Broken Temple, continue straight until you reach the Great Throne where Priestess Gut is. There is a wooden bridge to the right, leading to three goblins standing by the door. Go through the door into the warg enclosure area. Go down the stairs on the right and you’ll find the goblin children standing next to the caged bear.
  • Harsin’s Dilemma: The bear in the cage is actually Harsin, who transformed into this form to escape the goblins. When you talk to women caring for children, you have choices. You can use intimidation to force them to release the bear, allow them to continue torturing the bear, or initiate a fight. If you choose to free Halsin, you will have more options: attack the bear, attack the goblin, or leave the bear to the goblin.
  • Make a Choice: At this point, you must make a decision that will significantly affect the outcome of the game. If you want Halsin as a companion and support the Druids of the Emerald Forest, choose Attack Goblins. However, if you side with the goblins and possibly attack the Emerald Forest, then killing Halsin is your choice. Or, you can choose to leave both parties to their fate and observe the consequences.

By finding and resolving Harzin’s situation, you will advance the quest line in Baldur’s Gate 3. Remember, your choices can have a profound impact on the development of the game.


How do I get the druid Halsin to join the party in Baldur’s Gate 3?

In order to get the druid Halsin to join your party in Baldur’s Gate 3, you need to complete the main storyline until you reach the Shadow Druid Jungle. The Shadow Druid Jungle is an important location in the game and is related to the main quest.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to recruit Harsin to your party:

Step 1: Complete the Main Storyline Play the game and follow the main quest line until you reach the point where you are instructed to investigate the Druid Jungle. The game will lead you in this direction as part of the main storyline, and you won’t miss it if you continue to complete the main quest.

Step 2: Arrive at the Shadow Druid Jungle. When you follow the main storyline and arrive at the Shadow Druid Jungle, you will encounter various characters and creatures. This location is crucial to multiple missions and plot development.

Step 3: Explore the Lost Inn In the Shadow Druid Jungle, you’ll find a central hub called the Lost Inn. This area is crucial for shopping, selling items, and starting quests. You may encounter merchants and NPCs who offer different services.

Step Four: Find the Unconscious Young Man While exploring the Lost Inn, make sure to find a small room on the ground floor. In this room you will find a young man lying unconscious on a bed. This young man is Druid Halsin.

Step 5: Follow Harsin’s Quest Line To recruit Harsin to your party, you will need to help him regain consciousness. This involves following his quest line, which includes completing several objectives. These objectives will be clearly marked in the game, making completing them relatively easy.

Step 6: Complete Harsin’s Quest When you complete the objectives in Harsin’s quest line, you will eventually succeed in awakening him and helping him recover. This achievement will be a major turning point in the game, and Halsin will be grateful for your help.

Step 7: Invite Harsin to join your team. After successfully helping Harsin, he will offer to join your team as a companion. You can choose to accept his invitation, and from that point on, he will accompany you on your adventures throughout the game.

Having Halsin as a companion brings valuable skills and abilities to your party, improving your chances of success in combat and missions. Remember, Baldur’s Gate 3 is a vast and dynamic game, so your choices and actions can lead to different outcomes and interactions. Enjoy the journey and make the most of your time in Shadow Druid Jungle!

Where can I find Halsin, the first druid in Baldur’s Gate 3?

In Baldur’s Gate 3, after encountering the tieflings in the Jade Forest, finding Halsin, the first druid, is a key goal. The Goblin Camp is where Halsin was captured, but its location is difficult to pinpoint due to the obscure waypoint. To find Halsin, head to the Goblin Camp, located near the windmill where Bacchus Root was released in the Blight Village.

Look for a set of heavy gates leading to the Broken Temple, guarded by a tall man. Non-drow players may have trouble moving through the camp, but releasing Saza the Elf can help solve this problem. Continue through the Broken Temple until you find the Priestess, then go right to find a rickety wooden bridge leading to a door.

Go through the door to reach the warg enclosure. If you have the “Talk to Animals” spell, use it when entering the room. You’ll meet a bear and some goblins. In fact, the bear is the transformed Harsin. Using the illithid or wise dialogue options, you can release the bear, encourage the goblins to continue torturing him, or choose to fight them.

After freeing Halsin, you’ll have three options: attack the goblin, fight the bear, or leave the bear at the mercy of the goblin. If you side with Harzin and the tiefling, you can attack the goblins. After the battle, Harsin will return to his original form and tell you that the cultists at Moonrise Tower changed the tadpole in your mind.

He can join your party to assist in the fight against the goblin drow leader Mintara, the hobgoblin Droll Ragzlin, and the priestess Gut. However, he warns that this will lead to a bloodbath, requiring you to fight all the goblins.

Once Harzin is found, you can choose to protect the Emerald Forest and him, or join the drow leaders to conquer the Absolute. If you defend the woods, Harsin will appear in your camp and can be recruited later. In Baldur’s Gate 3, the path of your adventure is up to you.

How to recruit Halsin in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Recruiting Halsin as a companion in Baldur’s Gate 3 is a simple process. After successfully rescuing Halsin from the Broken Sanctuary in the Goblin camp, Halsin expressed his desire to defend the Emerald Jungle from the ongoing conflict. To achieve this goal, you must confront and defeat three enemy leaders within the Sanctuary: Dro Gazlin, Mintara, and Priestess Gut.

Once you are victorious in battle and the threat is dealt with, Halsin becomes unwaveringly loyal to you and the cause of protecting the Emerald Forest. He recognizes your bravery and determination, and therefore, he agrees to be a loyal partner in your pursuit. You’ll find that Harsin will eventually make his way to your camp, where he will officially join your party.

As a companion, Halsin brings valuable druid abilities and knowledge to aid in your adventures. His skills will help overcome the various challenges and powerful enemies ahead. Having him as a member of your ragtag group of adventurers increases your chances of success and provides valuable insight into the ongoing conflicts in the game world. With Halsin at your side, your journey through Baldur’s Gate 3 is sure to be filled with adventure, excitement, and impactful decisions.

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